Dreams can come true (nothing to do with Christmas)

It’s probably way too early to be thinking of New Year resolutions when there are presents to buy, turkeys to cook and trees to decorate.

But just imagine for a minute that one year has passed – it’s December 2020. 

If you had a time machine what would you love to be saying this time next year?

Maybe it’s:

  • I’m in a new job that I love
  • I got that promotion
  • My team is motivated, happy and getting results
  • I’m making decisions and getting the right things done
  • I’m speaking up and getting noticed for the right reasons
  • I’ve stepped up and I’m loving it!

Or something else (I’d love to know…..!)

Who can make this happen? 

You can.

As the saying goes, focus on what YOU can influence and change. 

It’s easy (but lazy) to blame others or make excuses when we’re struggling, unhappy or unsure. But pointing the finger never gets you anywhere - apart from deeper into misery, despair and victimhood. 


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The Confident Leader Revolution is coming

Lack of leadership confidence is holding too many people back.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I want you to know this.

Firstly - Confidence is made not born.

Secondly - we can ALL grow our confidence with integrity and without undergoing a personality transplant or becoming a clone or an arrogant, entitled idiot. 

Thirdly - We’re making a BIG mistake when we say ‘I’ll do that (whatever ‘that’ is) when I’ve got more confidence’.

NO, NO, NO!!

The way we become MORE confident is by taking on those new challenges one step at a time.

Taking action effects change. 

If you want 2020 to be the year you REALLY step up and find that confident you (and help those around you find THEIR confidence too) then keep watching and keep reading.

I’ve got a ton of things to share with you.

P.S. If you’re in my Effortless Leader Revolution Facebook Group I’m doing a 30 minute live broadcast today at 1pm UK time (1st November) on: Four...

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OMG this is HUGE!

Last week I wrote about the very real fear of ‘saying it as it is’.

I had my biggest number of responses EVER!

In honesty, I’m not surprised – my Facebook Group members (nearly 1200 now) say this is one of their biggest challenges too.

‘I know I’m a people pleaser’, you said.
‘My manager tells me I’m too soft’
‘I don’t know how to raise this issue’
‘My team want me to sort it but I don’t know where to start’
‘I dread the tears’
‘I know she’ll get aggressive and deny it’
‘Is it a British thing?’ someone asked me?

(I work internationally and would answer ‘no, not necessarily!’ to that question.)

So many of us struggle to work with the tough stuff.

The good news is, I can help you with ALL of this.

If you’d like to get this sorted once and for all then get in touch.

There are a variety of ways I can help which work with your budget and...

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The very real fear of ‘saying as it is’

One of the things I struggled with as a leader (and in my early days as a coach) was being able to ‘say it as it is’.

I hear my mother’s voice (God rest her soul) in my head telling me not to ‘ make personal remarks’ and ‘if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all’.

I get it – but these messages we pick up in our early years are not always helpful to us or others as we navigate the adult world of work and life.

Now of course I’m NOT saying that we should make intentionally hurtful remarks or start behaving like mad internet trolls and being vicious, spiteful and mean.

But something gets lost in translation along the way.

I had to do a lot – and I mean A LOT - of personal work to understand that there is another way – a way to be refreshingly honest AND show empathy at the same time. My desire to please people and to be liked had a positive side. But they also stopped me from helping others...

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Changing your Team Culture – Be real, not fluffy

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve shared with you the three steps you need to follow if you want to change the culture in your team. Last week we looked at the importance of respecting and recognising your team’s history before you start changing things.

This week, I want to help you get clarity about what you want to change and why.

What do you want to change? And why?

  • Can you clearly and succinctly explain the need for culture change – and the specific outcomes you are looking for?
  • Can the team see for themselves what needs to change but maybe just don’t know where to start?
  • Or are they cynical or worried about changing things? Can’t see the point? Tried before and nothing really changed?
  • What are the pros and cons of change for everyone? The challenges and opportunities?
  • Let people explore these questions and grapple with some of the answers.
  • Tap into their aspirations.
  • Then co-create the change together. This is NOT a...
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